Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Action Research Project with a New Twist

My initial focus was on how to close the academic gap that exists between my ELL students and my EO students. After taking two classes this summer with Dr. DeVoogd learning about critical literacy and research based literacy, I have tweaked my focus. I am still very much concerned about the academic gap and minimizing it.

My district uses Open Court for our English Language Arts program. The program teaches vocabulary and word knowledge out of context. The stories in the anthology have been altered by the publishing company with text movement and removal of illustrations in order to make the stories better fit into the book.

I am changing the manner in which my students will experience the stories in the hope that it will increase interest and engagement. In addition, my question is will exposure to the authentic piece of literature aid in the literacy development of my ELL students.

1 comment:

Kris said...

T-This is a really great idea. I don't really like O.C. I have taught H.M. and prefer that curriculum, however, due to district guidelines, of course, O.C. it is. I am going to be waiting anxiously to read about your research. This is such an important topic for students who love to read and those learning to read. I was just reading with my 6 y.o. granddaughter. She just entered 1st grade and is reading at level 2.0! I think she loves to read and to be read to.

